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Hello! My name is Sara and I’m currently a Senior here at SNHU! I’m majoring in graphic design and minoring in creative writing and I'm excited to complete my last year while being CAPE's President! I want to strive to give back the student body and showcase that in our events, making them fun and accessible for everyone! You can see me during CAPE meetings or behind the scenes!

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Vice President 

Hi I am Griffin Gardner and I'm CAPE's VP! I am a senior and am an avid fisherman. I've been going to CAPE events since my first semester here on campus and finally got to join Eboard! I can't wait to spend this year with everyone!


Signature Events

My name is Dan Murphy! I’m the signature events chair for CAPE and after being on the general board for several semesters I joined this year! Bingo is my fan favorite and I hope to see you all weekly on Wednesdays!


Home Base Chair

My name is Maddie and I am the Homebase Chair for CAPE! I plan the smaller activities and the craft nights that are held on campus! I am excited to bring back some events and create new ones! I am a Junior studying Psychology! I am excited to be part of CAPE and bring events that interest everyone☺️

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Entertainment Chair

Hey Everyone, My name is Josh Rose. I am the entertainment chair for this academic year. I am a sophomore and is majoring in economics and finance and minoring in accounting! This is my 2nd year in CAPE and first year as an eboard member. I have many plans for the upcoming months and I’m excited to work with everyone to turn these ideas into reality. Outside of my duties as entertainment chair, I serve as the manager for Tech Crew located within the Last Chapter Pub. I can’t wait to see what this year has to offer!

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Recruitment Chair

Hi everyone! My name is Taylor McDonough, and I am a sophomore forensic psychology major! My role as Recruitment Chair means I get to share my excitement about CAPE and all we do with others, whether through tabling, events, or social media! When I am not participating in CAPE activities, my favorite things to do around campus are study by the windows in the library or watch the sunset by Kingston Hall! 

Image by Simone Secci

Publicity Chair 

This could be you! Currently the President, Sara, and the Advisor (the fun one) Lucas act as publicity as well.

Image by Simone Secci
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Trip Chair

This could be you!



The cool advisor



The fun advisor

(c) 2022 Southern New Hampshire University Student Government Association | Coordinators of Activities Programming and Events
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